A Tumor Changed My Body Forever—But Not The Way I Thought

A Tumor Changed My Body Forever—But Not The Way I Thought

by Diana Phillips | Published by Refinery29 on November 30, 2015 | Anti-Diet Project

When I learned that I needed an open abdominal surgery to remove a melon-sized fibroid tumor from my uterus, I was devastated. It wasn't the potential impact this might have on my fertility that distressed me. It was the scar.

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Bridget McManus: On Comedy, Art, and Coming Out

Bridget McManus: On Comedy, Art, and Coming Out

by Diana Phillips, Senior Staff Writer | IgniteSA Magazine | Cover Story

Bridget McManus, a Los Angeles-based comedienne and actress known for creating and starring in her own TV shows "Bridget McManus Presents: That Time of The Month" and the popular vlog series “Brunch with Bridget” that aired on the Logo Network, first became enamored with comedy at an early age.

“I wanted to be a stand-up comedian since I was a fetus and I have the photos to prove it,” she asserts. “Well, I don’t actually have a fetus photo but I can try and track one down for you.”

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Pop Pistol: Making Music in the Digital Age

Pop Pistol: Making Music in the Digital Age

by Diana Phillips, Senior Staff Writer | IgniteSA Magazine | Cover Story

“When I first experienced music it was on old records that seemed to be magic vessels,” Alex Scheel recalls. “I would take in the artwork, read every word, look at every picture and imagine the far away places that the music came from.”

Scheel, the frontman of San Antonio-based beat-centric, atmospheric, indie electro-rock band Pop Pistol, waxes nostalgic about the vinyl experience: the artwork, the liner notes, sliding a 12-inch record out of its sleeve, placing it on the turntable and dropping the needle onto the first groove. All of this, the experience of listening in a room, holding the tangible product in your hands, the pop and sizzle of the static teasing your eardrums as the first track begins to play, this is the allure of vinyl - still cool even as ever-shifting technologies transform the music industry into a predominately digital marketplace.

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